This week from My Life Sherpa : Camouflage

Often times, when we are doing things that immediately make us feel better about ourselves, we are actually doing the opposite.

The external world is full of tricks and mirages.  The “easy” button is always right by our side.  

A great example of this is something very prevalent in todays world. Image Management. Because of social media, suddenly everyone has a personal brand to manage (or they think they do).  We see pictures of people on social media who look completely different than they do in real life. They look thinner. They look tanner. Their double chin is suddenly gone? People are using photo editing apps to make themselves look better to the outside world. Hint: this isn’t good for the self esteem

We get tricked by believing that if the outside world will like us…then we will like us.

The world is full of things like this that can hurt our self worth, but that come packaged as immediate pleasure.  It’s dangerous. They don’t teach us this stuff in school…yet nothing is more important than learning how to love ourselves.  Instead, todays society teaches us that if the outside world likes us, then we will like us.

See, most of us are really 3 different people – 1) We are who they think we are 2) We are who we think others think we are 3)and then we are who we really f’ing are.  When we do the work to truly love ourselves (and sometimes this is just acceptance), all three of these people tend to merge into one. We can just be.. We will have just one image… and it needs no managing.

When we stop worrying about what the outside world thinks of us, and instead focus on what we think of us, we discover a freedom like no other. 

If you want help learning how to love yourself, just drop me a note. 

Hope everyone had a nice 4th

 – matt

Klarity Lifestyle Company

Simple Living for Complex People

My Life Sherpa is a free once a week blog, often discussing fundamentals of the KlarityLifestyle. 

For a free one hour Discovery session with Matt, to learn more about his speaking engagements or coaching, please reach out via our contact page.  A member of our team will be in touch shortly to schedule.  


Matt Miller
Author: Matt Miller

Matt Miller has done many things in his young addition to just surviving. In 2002, Matt left behind person he once was as his life was suddenly changed forever by a horrendous mountain climbing accident. Diving for his falling father, Matt fell over 4,000 feet before miraculously stopping just short of the ragid cliffs. Through a night of survival and pain, Matt persevered but lost most of his fingers and toes as a result from frostbite. Matt does everything from public speaking, one-on-one consulting, firm strategy, as well as company retreat facilitation. With a seasoned investment background and passion for educating the investment world, Matt also can't resist sharing his comments from time to time on markets. Matt is also an avid runner, successfully completing over 10 marathons without his toes! He is 38 and resides in Phoenix, Arizona.

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