The Forklift : Clarity
“Focus like a laser, not a flashlight” Michael Jordan Life without clarity is a struggle. If we don’t know where we are wanting to go, we’ll just end up somewhere else! We have to be thoughtful regarding our desired destinations in life. Who do we want to be? What kind of lifestyle do we want? …
Read MoreThis week from The Forklift: Embracing the Struggle Who would have thought that one of the best baseball pitchers in the world would have just one arm? Well, I would! Jim Abbott is one of the most remarkable stories in baseball history. Because he was born without a right hand, his parents encouraged him to play soccer as a kid. But he…
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We all suffer from spiritual narcolepsy. As soon as we start feeling really connected, as soon as we think we have it all figured out, life happens (and its usually something pretty minor that sets us off). Just like that, and in a matter of seconds, we find ourselves on an island of crazy. Our…
Read MoreThis week from My Life Sherpa: Mirror
Klarity Lifestyle Company “Simple Living for Complex People” We can spend a lot of time worrying about what others think about us. It’s a lot easier to focus on getting them to like us, rather than devoting our energy towards getting “us” to like us. After all, thats all that matters. Do we like really…
Read MoreThis week from My Life Sherpa : The Heart
“Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life (Proverbs 4:23). Knowledge is important, but being able to use it is what matters. We can have the roadmap to life, but if we can’t follow it, what good is it? (thats torment). Knowledge becomes useful when it makes its…
Read MoreThis week from My Life Sherpa :
Morning Time A simple google search this morning shows that 46% of Americans check their phone before even getting out of bed each morning, and 80% check their phone within the first 12 minutes of waking up. My guess is if you polled those just 45 and younger, these numbers would be even higher. Too…
Read MoreThis week from My Life Sherpa: Servant or Master?
“Most powerful is he who has himself in his own power” – Seneca People have not been in our shoes…but we also haven’t been in theirs. We so often let others actions and behaviors affect our own state. We can only control what we can control. The sooner we let go of the things we…
Read MoreThis week from My Life Sherpa : The Truth
Week of July 25th, 2022 Our freedom is truly correlated with our truth. Our secrets confine us. Ask any addict about the feeling they get when first released from the shackles of their disease and they will tell you one thing – I am free. Their secret is no more. Living in the light is joyous…
Read MoreThis week from My Life Sherpa : All Out  
We have to give it our best. Every time we choose to do less than we could, or less than we should, we hurt our self-confidence. It’s its subtlety that makes this thing called life so dangerous. We don’t even know when we are hurting ourselves! So, we continue to do less than our…
Read MoreFrom My Life Sherpa : Pruning
Show me the power child, I’d like to say. That I’m down on my knees today. Yeah it gives me the butterflies, it gives me away, Til I’m up on my feet again. – Chris Cornell Our greatest battle each day is between the new man and the old man. It’s in the mirror. Like…
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