The Forklift : Clarity

“Focus like a laser, not a flashlight”

Michael Jordan

Life without clarity is a struggle.

If we don’t know where we are wanting to go, we’ll just end up somewhere else!

We have to be thoughtful regarding our desired destinations in life. Who do we want to be? What kind of lifestyle do we want?  What do we want our life to look like in 30 years? 

Do we spend enough time thinking about these things? Most do not, unfortunately.

When we have our long term vision though, it helps prioritize all of lives short term noise. When we have our eyes and hearts set on our destination, our soul set on the things most important to us, it helps us endure life’s many challenges (ask any smiling Christian).

The pull of a want is so much stronger than the push of a desire. If we’re not being pulled towards something we truly want, life will always feel like a constant game of survival.  It’s wasted energy towards something we weren’t designed for. No wonder its exhausting. Plug into something you want instead…and energy won’t be an issue. Ever.

Living with clarity provides us with a different type of energy, one that is natural and invigorating, rather than fake and caffeinated. 

Be your future self, now. Start construction today. It begins with an end in mind.

– MM

Klarity Lifestyle Company

Simple Living for Complex People

For interest in speaking engagements:

Matt Miller
Author: Matt Miller

Matt Miller has done many things in his young addition to just surviving. In 2002, Matt left behind person he once was as his life was suddenly changed forever by a horrendous mountain climbing accident. Diving for his falling father, Matt fell over 4,000 feet before miraculously stopping just short of the ragid cliffs. Through a night of survival and pain, Matt persevered but lost most of his fingers and toes as a result from frostbite. Matt does everything from public speaking, one-on-one consulting, firm strategy, as well as company retreat facilitation. With a seasoned investment background and passion for educating the investment world, Matt also can't resist sharing his comments from time to time on markets. Matt is also an avid runner, successfully completing over 10 marathons without his toes! He is 38 and resides in Phoenix, Arizona.

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