
We all have our own superpower, that one thing that we are extraordinarily good at and that when we do it, we discover endless amounts of energy.  God has given us all this one thing that makes us unique.  It makes us…well, “us”. The more we live a life away from this thing, the more our soul and way of life contradict, the more depressed we can become.  Money or financial success may mask our depression temporarily, or trick us, but eventually we will see our life with regret. Our soul will grow sour and we will become sick.

Surprisingly, most of us have never really thought about what our unique superpower is. We get so caught up with making a living, that we get lost and overwhelmed in our responsibilities.  We forget our dreams. We even forget what living in joy feels like, our current life becomes our reality and we forget what yesterday used to feel like. It’s like watching black and white TV again instead of color. If one was to watch it long enough, sooner or later they’d forget what color TV looked like. Is your current reality right?

What is your superpower? What is it that you are great at and love to do? You could do this thing all day. Time seems endless.  It gives you endless energy.  It gives you the gift of always being present, peace and endless focus. Is it helping others? Is it building houses? Is it surfing? Teaching?

Discovering and pursuing this thing doesn’t necessarily mean you need to find another job or career.  It simply means you need to look at your current life and see how you can either incorporate this thing, or do this thing more often.  If not possible with your current job and life, then maybe it is time you do take a risk and try something new?

When we live our lives aligned with our superpower we live magnificent lives. We can’t wait for our alarm clock to go off.  We become artists, wanting to get better at this thing each day. We find gratitude. We find joy and passion. We align our true soul with our life.


Ask 2 or 3 of your closest friends what they see as your superpower. Reflect on their comments and begin thinking how you can incorporate more of this thing into your life.  Can you do it at your current job?  Maybe you can build a team around you allowing you to delegate the things you don’t like doing? The things you are not great at.

Or, maybe it’s time you make a change in your life?   Maybe it’s time you jump?  

One of the greatest gifts I received from the mountain that night was an understanding of how precious life is. In 30 seconds, my entire life changed. Fortunately I survived, tomorrow isn’t guaranteed. All we have is now.  Don’t wait to start living the way you want.  

        Make it a great week – matt 

Daily Fundamentals 

Do something incredible

Give something incredible 

Create something incredible 

Live Simple. Live with Klarity.

Matt Miller
Author: Matt Miller

Matt Miller has done many things in his young addition to just surviving. In 2002, Matt left behind person he once was as his life was suddenly changed forever by a horrendous mountain climbing accident. Diving for his falling father, Matt fell over 4,000 feet before miraculously stopping just short of the ragid cliffs. Through a night of survival and pain, Matt persevered but lost most of his fingers and toes as a result from frostbite. Matt does everything from public speaking, one-on-one consulting, firm strategy, as well as company retreat facilitation. With a seasoned investment background and passion for educating the investment world, Matt also can't resist sharing his comments from time to time on markets. Matt is also an avid runner, successfully completing over 10 marathons without his toes! He is 38 and resides in Phoenix, Arizona.


  1. Beth t on April 12, 2019 at 9:21 pm

    Another amazing and inspiring read!!! You are so courageous and uplifting!!

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