Asking For Help

It took me years before I could ask for help. And once I did, my life changed. People wanted to help me? It was crazy. I thought I’d feel weaker if I asked for help, how could a man ask another man to tie his shoes for him? But when I finally did, what happened next was crazy. I felt stronger after. I felt strength in my vulnerability.

Now here I am asking you for your help. I’m trying to raise money for something that means a lot to me. Something much bigger than me.

All money raised goes to K2 Adventures Limb Loss Limb Difference program, a charity that helps people with disabilities get back into life. The money raised goes not just to “buy someone a new leg” who is in need…but also give them a life changing, confidence boosting, and a full of love experience, that in essence allows their new leg, to become part of them.  I know the power of this…because it’s what helped me…”get back on my feet.”

To learn more about this effort and see how you can partake, watch the short video below, followed by a link to details on the actual charitable mission itself.

To learn more about this effort and how you can help:

Thanks to Mark McClune and News Channel 3 for helping me with getting this story out.

Matt Miller
Author: Matt Miller

Matt Miller has done many things in his young addition to just surviving. In 2002, Matt left behind person he once was as his life was suddenly changed forever by a horrendous mountain climbing accident. Diving for his falling father, Matt fell over 4,000 feet before miraculously stopping just short of the ragid cliffs. Through a night of survival and pain, Matt persevered but lost most of his fingers and toes as a result from frostbite. Matt does everything from public speaking, one-on-one consulting, firm strategy, as well as company retreat facilitation. With a seasoned investment background and passion for educating the investment world, Matt also can't resist sharing his comments from time to time on markets. Matt is also an avid runner, successfully completing over 10 marathons without his toes! He is 38 and resides in Phoenix, Arizona.

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