Problems of Our Own Making
Most of us have so many problems in our lives, of which about 1% of them will actually happen. Isolating is a scary thing. Reach out to people these next few weeks will ya?
I have a friend who constantly complains about his coworker. From their description, this individual sounds extraordinarily narcissistic and insecure. They are constantly telling others about their strengths and successes, especially to those upstairs at the office…according to my friend. I have to listen to this all the time, it’s exhausting! The amount of energy my friend dedicates to this situation is crazy. Why does he let this person have so much power over him!?
Well, we’ve all probably all been this person right? We give away our power to others so easily. We get cut off in traffic, we lose our cool. We overhear a friend exaggerating about how much money they make… and it drives us nuts! We let others take our power so frequently.
We forget that we actually have control as to how someone else’s actions affect us. We allow them to make us feel one way or the other.
What is truly insightful however…is that most often than not, when we are bothered by someone else’s behavior, its that same behavior within ourselves that we struggle with (most people hate to hear that!). Our subconscious loves to identify our own inadequacies in others. Its our egos attempt to falsely inflate itself by pointing out someone else’s weaknesses. If I can critique them, then I don’t have to deal with my truth as well!
We can really learn a lot from those who annoy us:) If we can use our initial reactions to others behaviors, as reflection points for our own, we can really begin to grow.
When the external world begins to have less of an affect over our internal world, our lives begin to take a new turn. We are becoming spiritually fit.
Pain can be unavoidable at times, but suffering is always on us.
When a baseball hitter is really locked in at the plate, you’ll often hear him say that the “game just seems to have slowed down”. He can see and digest things before reacting.
When we are really locked in spiritually, we are like the zoned in baseball hitter. Life just seems to slow down. Rather than listening to just respond, we begin to listen to understand. We can better see our part in things. We can begin to accept people, places, and things, for what they are.
Being rigorously honest with others is one thing, but being rigorously honest with yourself is life changing.