March Madness
Take the time to find the right state of mind each morning.
A simple google search this morning shows that 46% of Americans check their phone before even getting out of bed each morning, and 80% check their phone within the first 12 minutes of waking up.
Our alarm goes off and the first thing we do each morning is flood our minds with noise, stress, and envious comparison through social media
If you can’t give yourself 15 minutes in the morning, then you should consider reevaluating your lifestyle.
A few minutes of meditation and stillness before starting your day can drastically change your your results. Use your mind and heart first to help guide your day, the look at our Outlook calendar. You’ll see a clear suggestion will come, delivering the gift of focus and simplicity to your day. The gift of Klarity.
Stillness in the morning can not only help you find focus, but it also provides the opportunity to find the right type of focus. The opportunity to find optimism and gratitude.
When we are thankful for the things we already have, our day takes on new energy. A state of gratitude opens the door for an easier way of living. When we smile a magical thing happens, we begin to receive the same energy we are projecting. People smile back, it’s infectious.
Anyone who has ever gone fishing understands the importance of optimism. It’s a magical thing that any fishermen cannot deny. How one looks at the end of his rod will largely dictate how many fish he’ll catch. A fisherman who is constantly anticipating that next bite, knowing that at any second they will get a bite, will always catch more fish then the deflated pessimist. Fact.
Some people want to have a good day, others know they’ll have a good day. Which one are you?
Monthly Action
Ask yourself if you feel like you have control of your day.
Before looking at your phone or turning on the news, dedicate at least 15 minutes to yourself each morning. Put your phone in the next room at night if needed. You will need to find a routine that works for you within those precious minutes, but whatever it is, devote yourself to it every day…and don’t give up. Try this for one week and look at your results. Even if it’s forced, leave the house with a smile…and watch what happens.
Again, how you see the world will dictate how you receive the world.
Make it a good March. Matt
The Fundamentals
Do something incredible
Give something incredible
Create something incredible
Live Simple. Live with Klarity.